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RUSENERGOSBYT SIBERIA, LLC is an electric energy trading company incorporated in 2008.
A member of the wholesale electric power market since 2009. The company is included into the Register of Participants in the Wholesale Electricity Market and is a member of the Market Council, Nonprofit Partnership.
We offer the following services to our clients:
Competitive electricity and electric power prices compared to prices offered by a regional guarantee supplier;
Client-oriented conditions of the electricity supply contract in terms of schedules of payment for electricity consumed;
In the process of contract implementation, our specialists daily monitor energy consumption, based on which recommendations for the optimization of expenses for electricity (electric power) procurement are developed;
Within the framework of long-term contractual relations for electricity supply, RUSENERGOSBYT SIBERIA, LLC at its own cost implements an automated measurement and information system for commercial accounting of electric power meeting the requirements of the wholesale electricity (electric power) market.